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Planning for the future of a community landmark

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Tracy, MN


City of Tracy​


1938, 1958




Historical Research; National Register Property Evaluation


An evaluation of a municipal building opens doors for future improvements.



Since its construction in 1938, the Tracy Municipal Building and Armory has played an important role in the political, military, and recreational activities of the community. In 2022, the City of Tracy received a Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Grant (“Legacy Grant”) from the Minnesota Historical Society to evaluate the eligibility of this community landmark for the National Register of Historic Places.



In 2021, New History worked with the City of Tracy to develop a historic context and survey to illustrate the historic commercial significance of the downtown area. Building on that work, New History evaluated the municipal building’s individual historical significance and eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The project resulted in a determination by the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) that the building is likely eligible for the NRHP. New History’s work has positioned the property for potential National Register listing and its associated benefits, including additional grant funding for condition assessments and physical improvements. This project illustrates how history can be leveraged to support ongoing use of and investment in our built environment.

NEW HISTORY  |  575 9th St SE Suite #215  |  Minneapolis, MN  55414  |  (612) 843-4140
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